Guide to whips, crops & spurs in equestrian sports
1. Aids in horse training – how useful are whips, crops and spurs?
Whips, crops and spurs are part of the typical equestrian image in many stables and arenas. Many novice riders already use whips and spurs for this reason. And this despite the fact that they do not yet have a balanced seat. In this guide, we would like to clarify what the actual purpose of whips and spurs is and who is allowed to use them.
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2. How useful are spurs for riding?
Spurs are a small aid with a big effect, which unfortunately is often used incorrectly. When used properly, spurs can encourage the horse to more hind leg action and collection. However, many riders have fallen prey to the superstition that spurs mainly make the horse faster. In this guide, we dispel this myth and show you which spurs are right for you and your horse.
Learn more3. How are whips used correctly when riding?
For many riders, whips are as much a part of their basic equipment as breeches and a riding hat. They use them to support the forward driving aids. However, whips have many more functions: In ground work, whips are used as an extended arm and when riding, they can make the horse more aware of its own body limits. You can read about other ways in which whips are used in this guide.
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4. The correct whip for lungeing
During lungeing the rider does not sit on the horse and therefore cannot influence it directly. The use of lungeing whips makes sense so that the rider can drive the horse forward and correct it at a distance. In the meantime, there is also a wide range of products in this aid category. We will show you which lunge whip is the right one for you and how to use it effectively.
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