Why are reflective items important when riding?
Riding hats, body and and back protectors have become a necessity in equestrian sports and it is hard to imagine riding without them. Potential dangers can only be avoided by using the appropriate riding equipment. Especially in the winter months, many riders only arrive at the stable at dusk and have to do stable work and exercise their horses in the dark. See and to be seen is the motto and the most important prerequisite to avoid accidents. Reflective items for rider and horse are the equipment of choice in order to be visible to other road users and also to ensure good visibility yourself.

According to the British Horse Society, a total of 1,037 horses and 135 riders were involved in road accidents with personal injury in 2019. In addition to improper behaviour on the part of other road users and the naturally determined jumpiness of horses, insufficient visibility of the rider-horse pair is also an important factor.
Anyone who participates in road traffic knows that people dressed in dark clothing are not particularly visible at night. Whether as a pedestrian walking the dog, a cyclist on the way from work to the stables or crossing a road while riding a horse – good visibility can save lives. This also applies when, for example, you only have to cross a road to go from the stable to the paddock.