Horse Trekking Guide
1. Be well prepared for horse trekking
Preparing for a trek can take weeks or even months. Depending on your experience, the type of trek and your individual requirements, there is a lot of (planning) work to be done. Here you can find out which requirements you and your horse should fulfil, how to calculate a daily distance and what else you should bear in mind when organising your tour.
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2. Equipment for horse trekking
Back to the basics – this applies to riding clothes as well as horse’s equipment. We explain how you can put together an all-weather, layered outfit with as few items of clothing as possible. We also share valuable tips on the equipment needed for horse and rider on a trekking tour. There is also a lot of information about the perfect saddle for trekking and we show you what you should pay attention to when packing your luggage.
Learn more3. The kit checklist – what do I take with me on a horse trek?
One thing we have to say in advance: unfortunately, there is no such thing as the ultimate kit checklist for horse trekking. The diversity of trekking simply does not allow you to act according to a pattern. What you need to take with you depends, among other things, on how long you are going to be on the road and what the food and accommodation options are like along the way. With our kit checklist, we give you some initial pointers on what to pack in the saddlebags of experienced trekkers.
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