Guide to children’s riding clothes

Vater und Tochter stehen vor einem Pony, das ein rotes Halfter trägt. Vater legt den Arm um die Tochter und sie sehen sich das Pony gemeinsam an.

1. Children in equestrian sports – the parents‘ guide

Does your child want to learn to ride? As a parent, this topic raises questions and concerns. How much do riding lessons cost? Isn’t riding far too dangerous? When is the best time to learn to ride and how do I find the best riding school for my child? In our parents‘ guide you will find all the answers to questions about your child’s new hobby.

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2. Riding equipment for children – the checklist

The first riding lesson is coming up, but before your child gets into the saddle for the first time, children’s riding clothing is needed. In our guide, you can find out why riding clothing for children is so important, what is essential for the initial equipment and which six myths you should never believe when buying children’s riding clothing.

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Junge und Mädchen sitzen auf ihren Ponys, stehen sich gegenüber und lächeln einander an.
Kleiner Junge mit blauer Outdoorjacke und Reithelm streichelt die Nase eines aufgezäumten Ponys in der Reithalle.

3. The first riding lesson – what can you and your child expect?

Your child’s first riding lesson is coming up. In order to be well prepared, we explain what you and your child can expect at the riding school. You can also find out why learning to ride starts before the actual lesson here. There are also six valuable tips for the first riding lessons.

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4. Children’s show guide

If your child continues to enjoy riding, the desire to take part in a competition may arise at some point. If you don’t ride yourself or have no experience with competitions, it can be difficult to keep track of competitions, performance tests and the associated regulations and dress codes. We provide the necessary information including a practical checklist for the competition and an excursion into the world of western competitions.

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Kind in Turnierausrüstung sitzt auf Pony, das mithilfe einer Longe von einer Person geführt wird, die ebenfalls Turnierkleidung trägt.
Kind sitzt mit Reithelm auf einem Schimmel. Reitlehrerin steht nebendran und erklärt etwas.

5. Children’s FAQ

Parents who have never had any contact with equestrian sports are confronted with many questions about their child’s new hobby. Does my child need their own grooming box? What should I bear in mind when taking on a horse share? How do I deal with a fall? You can find frequently asked questions about children in equestrian sports in our FAQ section.

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