The 10 best paddock care tips for horse owners
In general, it is the yard manager’s task to maintain the pastures and paddocks in such a way that they remain productive for a long time. In some livery contracts, part of the paddock maintenance is delegated to the owner, for example, poo-picking.
As a horse owner, but also as the manager of a small DIY stable, there are a few things you can do to improve the quality of your pasture. We give you 10 best tips for paddock care that every horse owner can do even without heavy equipment.

1. poo pick the paddock regularly
2. regularly check pastures for poisonous plants and remove them
3. collect fallen fruit, acorns, chestnuts and maple seeds in autumn
4. collect rubbish, especially from paddocks near roads and footpaths
5. remove sharp objects (remains of fence construction, forgotten insulators, etc.) from horse pastures
6. check tapes, ropes and wires for breakage and replace any broken parts
7. do not allow electric fences to become overgrown: cut them free with a trimmer
8. check the current daily: The best way to do this is to place the gate strands on the ground for a short time and wait for a cracking sound. If this is not heard, the current flow must be examined more thoroughly
9. securely fence off standing water, ponds and pools: the soft ground can be destroyed by horses‘ hooves, and standing water carries the risk of toxic blue-green algae
10. regularly check drinking water for cleanliness

Read more about correct pasture management
1. Horse pastures – these basics are important
2. Plants in the horse pasture – what grasses and poisonous plants are there?