- Frequently asked questions
- How are the saddle bags attached to a Western saddle?
Saddle Bags
- Frequently asked questions
- How are the saddle bags attached to a Western saddle?
How are the saddle bags attached to a Western saddle?
Saddle bags or their weight should rest on or be attached to the Western saddle so that the saddle carries and distributes the weight. Conversely, this means that saddles for trekking must have panels and rings so that the luggage can be attached to them. The weight must not rest directly on the horse's spine. An exception can be made for light, soft luggage. However, a pad should always be placed in between to avoid chafing.
A healthy horse can carry up to 70kg dead weight, whereby the rider is not counted as dead weight. Nevertheless, the baggage should be buckled in such a way that it does not lie on the spine, exert pressure points or bounce up and down at higher gaits. It should also be easy to attach and remove. There are various systems for attaching saddle bags:
- Double saddle bags can be attached with crossed strap buckles that rest on the back jockey.
- Rolled bags, banana bags or rain coats can be attached to the cantle's conchas or luggage loops with packing straps or leather strings.
- Horn saddle bags have a hole in the centre that can easily be hooked onto the horn and fork.
In our online shop you will find various saddle bags that fit on a Western saddle and are not carried directly by the horse. They are all water-repellent so that the contents do not get soaked even during brief downpours.