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  • Oldenburg Stallion
  • Oldenburg Stallion

Oldenburg Stallion

No.: 621781



Product Description

Just like the talented Schleich® Oldenburg mare, our Oldenburg Stallion from Schleich® Horse Club is also a talented dressage and show jumping horse. No obstacle is too high for him, not even the dining table. The white spot on his forehead is his pride and joy, and makes him particularly recognizable. This point is called a "star" by horse lovers. But it's not in the sky. His eyes are also special. Horses have the largest eyes of any land-dwelling mammal. And those of the Oldenburg are probably even bigger - especially if he is allowed to jump over the toothbrush cup while you brush your teeth. Weeee! Then the eyes of the spectators get wide too.

No.: 621781

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