
Kramer Equestrian supports equestrian sport

As a company in the equestrian industry, it is very important for us to support equestrian sports and to share our passion for horses with you!

Is your association / riding centre/ riding club organising a competition, show or other equestrian event? Apply now for sponsorship from Kramer Equestrian and let us help make your event a success!

Please submit this questionnaire at least 6 weeks before your event. We will then be in touch as soon as possible as to whether we will sponsor your event.

Sponsorship Questionnaire Kramer Equestrian

Your personal details

Organiser / Head office


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We do too! We also use cookies and other technologies to provide you with an optimal and safe shopping experience, to measure the performance of our website and to show you relevant products for you and your horse! To do this, we collect data about our users and how they use our website on their devices.
We work exclusively with European service providers to collect data.

If you click on "Allow all", you agree to the use of cookies and the associated processing of your data as well as to the transfer of the data to our service providers. If you click on "Only necessary", your visit will only be continued with cookies that are absolutely necessary for the smooth operation of our website.

Of course, you can revoke or adjust the settings at any time. You can find more information about our cookies under data protection.