Product Description
The hoof bandage is suitable as protection for weak and injured hooves. It can be used as sole protection or in combination with horseshoes, pads, sole protection etc. and is air-permeable and antibacterial. The bandage hardens quickly with water and provides complete support without the need for nails, even in the case of laminitis. Lasts for 4 weeks without shoes, with shoes for one shoeing period. Length 3.6m.
Application: Remove the bandage from the packaging with gloves. The material is soft and can be easily wrapped around the prepared hoof. Prerequisite: The hoof should be dry and clean.
After wrapping, set the hoof down, then pick it up again and soak the bandage well with water using a sponge or cloth. Wait 2 - 3 minutes and then put the hoof down. Moisten again with water. That's it!
If the sole of the hoof is completely flat, a horseshoe can be fitted and nailed on.