Product Description
Our all-round talent! Grain-free and sugar-reduced mash with valuable ingredients that have both a prebiotic and probiotic effect and thus help to maintain and build up a healthy intestinal flora. High-quality vegetable fatty acids serve as an energy supplier. Rich in natural vitamin E and a variety of organically bound antioxidants. Ideal for feeding lean and older horses, for horses in build-up phases and for horses with metabolic problems.
Feeding recommendation: Be sure to soak for a few minutes before feeding. Large horse: Mix 3 measuring cups of mash with approx. 4 ½ measuring cups of hot water. Pony: Mix 1 measuring cup of mash with approx. 1 ½ measuring cups of hot water. Add more water depending on the desired consistency.
One measuring cup (200 ml) corresponds to about 100 g of mash. This amount corresponds to the daily requirement.
Ingredients: Rice bran, linseed meal, linseed, sunflower seeds, Jerusalem artichokes, brewer's grains, linseed oil, brewer's yeast, psyllium husks.
Note: Minimum shelf life applies to hygienic, cool and dry storage. No liability in case of improper storage.