Bridle Accessories

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Rein Snap, oval

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Bridle Number, round

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Felix Bühler

Sheepskin Poll and Nose Sleeve

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Teddy Fleece Headcollar Set

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Charm Once in a Lifetime Horse

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Rein Snap, round

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Teddy Fleece Poll Sleeve

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Rein Snap

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Felix Bühler

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Poll Cover Ceramic Rehab

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Felix Bühler

Sheepskin Poll Protector

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Fleece Bridle Protector

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Martingale Stop

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3.7 Customer review of the product 3

Bridle Number Crystal

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Premium Snap Hook Stainless Steel

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Replacement Bits Straps for 540192

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Bridle Bag

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Felix Bühler

Bridle Padding

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Felix Bühler

Teddyfleece Breastplate Protecter

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20 %


Bridle Protector

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Square 4 Digit Bridle Number

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Reflective Bridle Cover Set

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Noseband Pad

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Felix Bühler

Sheepskin Curb Chain Guard

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Rein Snap Premium

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How can chafing or pressure points in the head and nose area be avoided?

In order to avoid chafing in the horse's poll and nose area, the first thing to do is to have a correctly fitting bridle. However, despite an optimal fit, sweat and dust can cause chafing or pressure points. To avoid this, fluffy padding for the nosepiece, cheek pieces and the headpiece are suitable. These are made of either teddy fleece or absorbent sheepskin and can be easily attached to the bridle by means of Velcro fasteners.
In our range you will also find poll protectors with a therapeutic effect. Thanks to the incorporated ceramic fibres, the body heat is reflected and thus creates a warming effect, which has a positive effect on the horse's relaxation. You can find more products of this kind in our therapy articles for horses.

What is the purpose of the flash strap?

In the past, the flash strap was used to direct the pressure from the bit rings to the bridge of the nose. To do this, the flash strap was threaded through the flap on the noseband, passed from the inside to the outside through the bit rings and then back to the bridge of the nose, where it was also buckled. In military times, the purpose of the flash strap was transformed and buckled in the way we know it today: The strap is placed in front of the bit and buckled in the hollow of the chin. At that time, the purpose of the strap was to reduce the risk of jaw fractures in the event of a fall. Today, as originally intended, the flash strap serves to redirect the pressure of the reins on the nose and thus to achieve a bending of the neck.
Correctly buckled, a flash strap can refine the reining aids. If you use it, it is imperative that you observe the two-finger rule, where you can place two fingers between the strap and the chin. The flash strap must not be buckled so tightly that it pulls the noseband down, presses the bit into the corners of the mouth or pushes off the airways.
A flash strap is not designed to prevent the horse's mouth from being opened, to prevent the bit from slipping due to a rider's hand being too hard, or to force the bit on a reluctant horse.

What is the best way to store the bridle?

To prevent the bridle from lying carelessly on the floor, bridle racks are suitable, which can be hung practically anywhere on the stable door, the tack cabinet door. This way you can give your bridle a fixed place. In our assortment we have bridle racks with different numbers of hooks, which you can find in our tack room category.
If you are at the show a lot or don't like to leave your bridle hanging freely in the tack room where it is exposed to dust and moisture, you can hang it in a bridle bag. The bridle bag protects the bridle from external influences and at the same time allows good air circulation by means of ventilation inserts so that the leather does not become mouldy.

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